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Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Super Survivor Episode 2 Recap!

This episode starts off with the women returning from their first tribal council. Michael (hot banker) is complaining that he tended to the girls fire while they were gone for “hours.” And by tending, I think he meant “just got caught trying to put it out”.  Alicia and Christina decided that they should discuss the altercation that took place at tribal and for the moment it appears they made up … but from her confessional, Alicia is loving what went down and even says, “if Christina were drowning in the ocean I wouldn’t save her.” Wow Alicia, really? … You do know that you are a special education teacher right?  I wonder what your students, or worse their parents will think of that.  But that raises a point that you guys can weigh in on.   Do you think that a personas actions on a reality show should spill over into their real lives?  Or is reality tv life a separate entity from their “real life”.  As a matter of fact I will put that up as a poll question in the side bar where you can tell me your opinion.  Now before you make up your mind, consider the unforgettable Sue Halk speech from the first Surivor which still to this day is one of the most memorable TV moments.  You can listen to it for yourself on my podcast.

I’m pretty sure Sue regrets it now, but let me know what you think on the poll.  The next morning Sabria (not the teenage witch) was voted on by the woman as the team leader because of her wonderful communication and leadership skills.  She immediately says what all of us are thinking: “managing the airheads is gonna be exhausting.” Personally, I think this was a great choice.  I just know I’m gonna love me some Sabrina.  She reminds me of my favorite person from last year Stacey, who I still think is Lawson’s (from Big Brother) long lost sister. 

Now that redemption island is gone, I was so excited to see one of my favorite parts of Survivor get the attention it deserves… the reward challenge.  I love watching CBS go all out with over the top challenges for amazing prizes all hosted by the adorable Jeff Probst.   Unfortunately Jeffy decided he was a bit too tired from partying all night and figured out a way to phone this one in… by giving them a “DIY” challenge. 

Not surprisingly the guys wont it yet again, thanks to Colton who really pulled it out for the win.  Ok, no, sorry I’m not even going to try and convince you of that.  Colton will only pull out a win for the men at this point if the challenge was how to complain, whine and play into every stereotype of the gay man possible.  That’s not to say that I don’t also love me some Colton, he just challenges my bi-polarish mindset.  On one hand I get it, you’re a really, really, realllly gay guy (like me) and how your personality should be embraced, loved, and respected.  On the other hand, your unwillingness to grow as person, be open to new experiences and not even trying to make a connection to the mens tribe (your tribe) is upsetting to me.  Look, I get it.  As a gay man I have also felt insecure around other straight men and its always been easier to connect with woman.  However, some of my best (friend) relationships are with straight guys who I never in a million years would have thought would want to sleep with me… I mean be my friend.  But, ok back to the show, in an effort to gain some leverage, Colton votes himself out of his own tribe, gets back in through redemption island and in an attempt to work with the men show Troyzan and Jonas his hidden immunity idol. This of course leads to the three of them immediately making plans to get rid of the “muscle”.  And by muscle I mean Mike and Matt (my crushes for this season) so I’m really not onboard with this plan Colton. I mean this is one of those moments where I’d like you play into the gay stereotype and keep the hotties around for eye candy.  Clearly you didn’t get the latest newsletter for this month’s gay agenda. 

Now all of this drama leads us right into the immunity challenge.  Which Jeff has decided to show up for this time.  The challenge consisted of a balance beam suspended above the water, lined with all tribe members on their respective beams. One player at a time must go around another player without falling or touching two people at once.  The challenge was fun to watch, but ya know what would  make it even better?  A little segment I like to call, “Shit Jeff Says”:  which you can also listen to on my podcast.

They guys end up winning and the girls return to camp after yet another disappointing loss.  Immediately, Kat takes the blame for losing the challenge for fouling the team.  Nina calls Kat a “dumb blonde” and approaches Chelsea (not BB and Superpass Chelsia, who Kat kinda looks like, but doesn’t act like) about voting her out.   Chelsea takes the information to Kim and while they agree with Nina, like all seasons of survivor it comes down to numbers, and they already have their alliance of five.  Yet, if they don’t start winning challenges that won’t matter, so you’d think this early on they would vote off the people losing it for them.

At tribal…Jeff seems gets pissy again, and says, “it’s like I’m talking to a bunch of sixth graders.” It’s clearly between Nina and Kat of which Nina is fighting to stay in the game, and Kat shows absolutely no fight whatsoever.  She even says, “it’s my fault we lost the challenge.”  In the end, it’s Nina who gets her torch pit out and it actually made me sad that redemption island is gone. 

Now, if you want even more Survivor content I suggest checking out Tribal Talk, hosted by Spicy  only on Superpass.  It’s an hour long live show, where past survivors skype in to weigh in on this week’s episode.  They also take your calls and twitter questions.  It’s a lot of fun, and a great way to be even more involved with Survivor.  It’s on every Thursday at 3:00 PT, and all the episodes are archived so you can watch them anytime.  The first episode had Cochran and Mikayla, and todays show has last season’s winner Sophie.  So go check it out.  You can sign up for a free trail of Superpass through the ad in the side bar here. 

Until next week…  see ya’ll soon.


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